Introducing Crockett!
In the truck on the way home! We crossed several state lines to get this boy. First a quick lesson for the less than goat savvy people. Our does are Boer crosses. Our new buck Crocket is a Myotonic Goat (Tennessee Fainting Goat, Tennessee Meat Goat (TM), etc, they have many names). When you cross a Myotonic with a Boer you get the TexMaster (TM). The Myotonic is well known for being a heavily muscled breed. When breed to a Boer, you get a bigger framed, faster growing, heavily muscled goat. Myotonics have a hereditary condition called myotonia congenita which causes the muscles to stiffen briefly when the animal is startled and can cause them to fall over, hence why they are called fainting goats. They don't really faint though. They are conscious the whole time and it is painless. Well, I tried to keep it brief. Just introducing you to the breed if you are unfamiliar. This is an example (not mine) of a TexMaster (T...