Goat Explosion!
We have had a major goat explosion in the last seven days. Actually seven kids in five days from three does!! Yeah, it's been an exhausting week. I'm going to sort the post out between each doe to help keep things easy to understand. First the disclaimers... the pictures are bad because.. well cell phones, low light and red heat lamps for keeping kids warm just doesn't make for very good pictures. It was cold and rainy all week. We literally had five days straight of torrential downpours. A third of our property was under knee deep water several times, but luckily no buildings flooded. Then there was the scary storms and tornado threats. Have I ever mentioned I hate spring in the south? Also none of the kids have names yet. I'm trying to wait until they are all born before I decide which name I want to give to which kids (I have some picked out, just have to match them up). So I'll try to keep it as organized as possible ...