21 Day No TV Challenge - 6 days in...
Six days ago I randomly ran across an article the someone had written about how her life had changed since giving up TV for thirty days. I had already been thinking I spend too much time watching TV so I was intrigued. I decided to give it a shot, but opted for the 21 day challenge because that's how long it takes to break a habit. I'll admit the first couple of days were easy because I was busy with work, but by four or five days it was starting to get really hard. Today was the worst! I was trying to come up with loopholes and ways to get around completing the challenge without considering it failed (bargaining?). It made me realize I truly was addicted to TV (well binge-watching series on Netflix actually)!! The reason today was difficult is because it's the first day I haven't been busy since starting the challenge and boredom finally set in. Something else I realized today was how it always affected my weekends. Whenever I had to do somethi...